Hydration for good health and vitality
Water makes up 70% of an adult’s body, and water intake is essential for health. Water balance directly affects our cheerfulness and motivation, brain functions, mood, general physiological and mental state. Our productivity and the quality of our work largely depend on whether or not we are properly hydrated.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) recommends a total water intake of two and a half liters for men and two liters for women per day, supplied through both food and drink. Ideally, 70–80 percent of this amount should be obtained from beverages and 20–30 percent from foods. Water is by far the healthiest way to stay properly hydrated, as it contains neither calories nor sugar.
A disturbed water balance in the body is a prerequisite for a change in our mood and for our overall mental balance. Even a seemingly milder dehydration of one percent leads to a depressed mood, more frequent headaches, reduced concentration, and a tendency to perceive work as more difficult. Sensations such as increased feelings of fatigue, tension and anxiety, drowsiness and short-term memory deficits can be corrected with healthy hydration.
- Start your day with a glass of water or drink water on your way to class or work.
- 2. Add a water bottle to your bag to make sure you have access to water throughout the day. Some people prefer a large bottle, while others find it easier to carry a small one. In either case, it is important to control the amount of water taken throughout the day.
- If dehydration is likely to negatively affect your safety or the safety of others, such as when driving long distances, ensure that you have access to water at all times.
- Urine color is a useful indicator of the hydration level. Urine should be a pale straw color. Dark yellow, concentrated urine or a reduced amount of urine is a sign that you need to drink more water.
- If you feel tired, have a headache or experience any other signs of dehydration, try drinking at least one glass of plain water as a first step.
Water is not just water. It comes in different types. Mineral and spring water reach you with their original composition. Other types of water, such as tap water, must first be chemically treated and purified in order to be fit for consumption. For this reason, the chemical composition of mineral and spring water differs from that of tap and filtered water, and natural waters can in some cases have a positive effect on our health.
They are not subject to chemical treatment, they arrive in the packaging, untouched by human hands, and large producers strictly monitor their composition. It is indicated on the label along with the pH value. When consuming mineral bottled water in particular, the body acquires a palette of vital minerals. Low mineralized waters such as DEVIN Mineral can be consumed daily. DEVIN Spring is suitable for all ages and for everyday intake - including by babies and children. That is why it is recommended by pediatricians.
The purity of Tap water is constantly monitored. This type of drinking water usually comes from large wells, lakes, rivers or dams, and along the way it can become contaminated with heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, etc. That is why it is usually purified before it reaches homes, undergoing chlorination to eliminate harmful microorganisms. Chlorine, however, in addition to having unpleasant taste and smell, can harm human health, even when it is within the accepted limits. Another problem is the water supply network in our country, which is morally and physically outdated. It follows that, even when purified, the water that reaches the taps in our homes is often of compromised quality and can be contaminated with rust, lead and bacteria as a result of the condition of old water supply pipes.
In many of today's households, tap water passes through a filtration system or the filter jug. We mainly rely on the filter to fight off chlorine and other harmful ingredients of the tap water. Indeed, filters purify chlorine, but at the same time they literally kill the water, by taking away many of its healthful elements. Furthermore, the effectiveness of filters directly depends on the frequency of their replacement. If not replaced often enough, clogged filters become moldy and can even bring back harmful substances to the already filtered water.
It is important for you to consider the quality of the water when choosing whether to consume directly from the tap, filter tap water, or prefer pure natural mineral or spring water. Excessive treatment of drinking water does not necessarily lead to the best result, on the contrary, as it eliminates the beneficial elements in it and thus makes the hydration incomplete.
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Подземно дълбочинно находище с уникален състав на водата |
Подземен воден хоризонт/приземен слой |
Комбинация от подземен и повърхностен водоизточни: реки, езера, язовири |
Комбинация от подземен и повърхностен водоизточни: реки, езера, язовири |
Естествено защитен източник |
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Да |
Не |
Не |
Обработка |
Забранена |
Забранена |
Позволена |
Позволена |
Наличие на замърсители |
Натурална чиста, без замърсители |
Наличие на стандарт за чистота с дефинирани гранични стойности |
Наличие на стандарт за чистота с дефинирани гранични стойности |
Наличие на стандарт за чистота с дефинирани гранични стойности |
Хранителни претенции |
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Минерален състав |
Стабилен |
Стабилен |
Нестабилен |
Нестабилен |
Произход |
Подземно дълбочинно находище с уникален състав на водата |
Подземен воден хоризонт/приземен слой |
Комбинация от подземен и повърхностен водоизточни: реки, езера, язовири |
Комбинация от подземен и повърхностен водоизточни: реки, езера, язовири |
Естествено защитен източник |
Да |
Да |
Не |
Не |
Обработка |
Забранена |
Забранена |
Позволена |
Позволена |
Наличие на замърсители |
Натурална чиста, без замърсители |
Наличие на стандарт за чистота с дефинирани гранични стойности |
Наличие на стандарт за чистота с дефинирани гранични стойности |
Наличие на стандарт за чистота с дефинирани гранични стойности |
Хранителни претенции |
Позволени |
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Минерален състав |
Стабилен |
Стабилен |
Нестабилен |
Нестабилен |
Hydration: Q & A
Mineral water has a unique protected underground origin and constant mineral composition and characteristics. Due to its deep underground origin, DEVIN Mineral is naturally pure with no risk of external contamination. Treatment that would lead to deviations in its characteristic composition and change in its quality is not allowed. Due to its specific mineral characteristics and alkaline pH, this type of water provides additional benefits for the functioning of the human body and this is documented on the label after a balneological analysis. Balneological evaluations of mineral waters are publicly available and are posted on the website of the Ministry of Health. DEVIN Spring also has a protected origin. Treatment that would lead to deviations in its characteristic composition and change in its quality is not allowed. The low mineralization, neutral pH and natural purity give the spring water preferred taste qualities. Its purity has been confirmed by regular analysis, as well as by the analysis of the pollen of the bees that Devin grows in the area of the source.
Low mineralized natural mineral waters can be consumed daily. DEVIN Mineral is exactly that type of water and it is recommended for people with an active lifestyle, while DEVIN Spring, due to its low mineralization, low sodium content and exceptional purity, is recommended by pediatricians for the daily water needs of infants and young children.
It goes without saying that the quality of the water we drink affects our health. If we drink 1.5 liters of water per day for a period of 70 years, this equates to 40,000 liters of water passing through our body. It seems logical to bet on water of high purity and quality (with no chemical treatment), namely these are the unique characteristics of natural mineral water. Natural mineral water (100% used for drinking) and tap water (only 1% used as a drink, and 99% for body care, washing, laundry and other purposes) are completely different and even complementary. With non-carbonated, lightly carbonated or carbonated natural mineral and spring waters, the consumer has a wide choice in terms of composition and flavor. Most consumers tend to choose bottled mineral and spring water over tap water. This choice is explained by the reliable taste, stable composition and the lack of chemical and microbiological treatment.
No. The use of a mineral spring is carried out under a strictly regulated permit regime controlled by the environmental authorities, with the aim of ensuring a balanced extraction in order to maintain constant self-recovery of the water sources. We only draw water from the renewable part of the aquifer to avoid any risk of overexploitation and alteration of underground bodies. Our company is recognized by the Alliance for Responsible Water Stewardship, which requires the adherence to and implementation of annual control programs, monitoring the condition of the water sources it uses, as well as continuous work and communication on joint projects with all stakeholders and other users of the same water sources. The goal is to unite efforts to preserve, protect and restore those water sources with full respect for nature and in symbiosis with local biodiversity.
Bottled water is often unfairly criticized for its packaging. DEVIN packaging is environmentally friendly and all our plastic bottles (made from PET material) are 100% recyclable. The recycled material is used to make new bottles or, where appropriate, clothing, carpets, garden furniture, etc., so that the waste is reused. Since 2020, all products sold by the Spadel Group, including Devin EAD, are carbon neutral throughout the product's life cycle - from the source of the packaging to the end user. The Spadel Group is the first mineral water company in Europe with such an achievement. All these efforts significantly reduce both the raw materials used and the company's environmental footprint.
The applicable legislation requires that the bottling of natural mineral water takes place near the catchment area. In other words, bottling companies cannot move their factories to reduce transport distances. Especially on the Bulgarian market, Devin EAD offers products from natural mineral and spring water which are entirely locally produced.
An objective comparison of prices is impossible, since mineral water and tap water are two completely different products. The price of mineral water is linked to draconian safeguards to ensure the water’s constant purity and quality. Secondly, in Bulgaria the price includes a large share of taxes (including ecotax), which represents almost 25% of the selling price of bottled mineral water. But is the average price of BGN 0.60 per liter really high for a pure basic food such as natural mineral water? At this price, mineral water is probably the cheapest healthy food that can be found on the market!
Sparkling water is gaining popularity as an alternative to plain water, offering a variety of choices as well as different flavor and sensation options. Despite this, however, it is still less preferred than the plain one. This is due to the wrong impressions about its origin and quality that have been imposed among people. For example, DEVIN natural mineral carbonated water with CO2 from a natural source has added value due to the fact that people get beneficial minerals from our carbonated water, unlike carbonated tap water, which after treatment and purification is further carbonated.
Carbonated natural mineral water does not contain any calories or sugar, which makes it just as beneficial for health as non-carbonated water. When it comes to dental health, plain water (carbonated or non-carbonated) is the best possible choice for hydration. Beverages with low pH values (below 6) lead to greater erosion of tooth enamel than those with a neutral or alkaline pH. According to a study conducted by the University of Birmingham's Faculty of Dentistry, even this higher erosive effect is a hundred times less than the effect of soft drinks. DEVIN Spring is lightly alkaline, and DEVIN Mineral (respectively, its carbonated variety) - high in alkalinity, and in this sense, their consumption supports the health of teeth and gums.
Dehydration occurs when you use or lose more fluid than you take in, and your body does not have enough water and other fluids to perform its normal functions. If you don't replenish lost fluids, you will become dehydrated. Anyone can become dehydrated, but the condition is especially dangerous for young children and the elderly. Dehydration can also occur in any age group if you don't drink enough water during hot weather – especially if you exercise intensively.
When you are dehydrated, your total blood volume decreases, thus causing reduced blood flow to the skin and muscles. This may lead to:
- higher body temperature;
- reduced sweating rate;
- increased use of muscle glycogen;
- increased feeling of effort;
- fast heart rate.
All this leads to a loss of concentration, skills and physical performance. Given the negative effects of dehydration, it is critical to start your training session or race well hydrated. You can usually overcome mild to moderate dehydration by drinking more fluids, but severe dehydration requires immediate medical treatment.
Thirst is not always a reliable early indicator of the body's need for water. Many people, especially older people, do not feel thirsty until they reach a certain level of dehydration. That is why it is important to increase your water intake during hot weather or when you are sick. Signs and symptoms of dehydration can also vary by age and for adults include:
- strong thirst;
- less frequent urination;
- dark colored urine;
- fatigue;
- dizziness;
- confusion.
Indeed, many people are not used to drinking plain water and rely on getting the necessary amount of fluids from other sources - food, other drinks. However, the most complete hydration is achieved with the intake of plain natural water. It does not contain calories and helps maintain an optimal weight and cleanse the body of toxins. Juices and other drinks are flavored or contain sugar or sweeteners, add a lot of calories to the menu and harm the teeth. To make it easier to get into the habit of drinking water, you can flavor it in a natural way - add pieces of fruit, a few drops of lemon, mint leaves, parsley or other aromatic herbs to a jug of water.
More ideas for delicious and refreshing non-alcoholic cocktails with DEVIN Mineral Carbonated can be found here.
Alternate intake of coffee, juices and energy drinks with intake of water. As for foods, fizzy drinks are known to aid digestion. Among them, the best choice is sparkling water. DEVIN Mineral Carbonated has a unique combination of minerals that are combined with a fine carbonation of natural origin. So this superb sparkling water not only aids digestion, but has a nice fresh taste as a great addition to food.
Getting enough water each day is critical for many reasons: to regulate body temperature, keep joints lubricated, prevent infections, deliver nutrients to cells, and keep organs functioning properly. Optimal hydration also improves sleep quality, cognition and mood.
If you are pregnant, you need more water than usual for amniotic fluid formation, blood formation, new tissue creation, nutrient transport, improved digestion, and elimination of waste and toxins. Especially during the hot summer months you need to make sure you are hydrated enough. Here are just a few of the benefits of staying properly hydrated during pregnancy:
- reduces constipation/hemorrhoid risk;
- reduces swelling;
- softens the skin;
- increases energy;
- keeps cool;
- reduces the risk of urinary tract infections;
- reduces the risk of premature birth.
It is recommended to drink 8-12 glasses of water per day or 2.3 liters. If you pee frequently, dehydration during pregnancy can cause from mild symptoms to serious complications.
Signs of dehydration:
- overheating of the mother;
- headache/sluggishness;
- dark or concentrated urine.
Serious complications:
- low levels of amniotic fluid;
- kidney stones;
- swelling;
- birth defects;
- urinary tract infections that can lead to premature birth.
Bottled spring water is natural, pure and untreated, with low mineralization and beneficial for both pregnant and nursing women and their babies. DEVIN Spring is extracted from an ecologically clean area, and periodic analyzes of its composition prove the absence of any pollution from pesticides and heavy metals in the environment. It is low mineral, low sodium and lightly alkaline and suitable for the delicate stomach of the baby and toddler. DEVIN Spring is recommended by the Bulgarian Pediatric Association for consumption by babies and children.
Spring water does not require further treatment, since in its natural state a number of indicators (microbiological, physico-chemical and radiological) cover the drinking water standards. DEVIN Spring is extracted from an ecologically clean area, which since 2019 has been proven by the analyzes of the pollen of bees grown near its source. The analyzes are carried out periodically in a laboratory in Belgium under the BeeOdiversity Project and show the absence of any pollution from pesticides and heavy metals in the environment. DEVIN Spring is low in mineralization. It can be used both for drinking and for preparing food for the baby without burdening its delicate digestive system and immature kidneys. When used in infancy, it is good to boil it, but this is not mandatory. After opening the bottle, if it has to stay until the next feeding of the baby, it is recommended that it is kept in the refrigerator.
Not all plastic is 100% recyclable, so check for bottles marked 100% recyclable. This means that we can collect everything together (cap, label and bottle) separately in a yellow PET plastic sorting container. When consuming water, it is also convenient that you do not have to wash the bottle, you can simply crush it and collect it separately. DEVIN brand products are available in 100% recyclable PET packaging.
Mineral water comes from a greater depth. More specifically, the DEVIN mineral water aquifer is over 1,200 m deep. During this long route, the raindrops pass through various underground layers. In the case of DEVIN Mineral, those layers are nine types of rock of volcanic origin, which are responsible not only for the natural filtering of water, but also for nourishing it with various minerals. The process occurs due to an increase in temperature by more than 5 degrees at every 100 meters of depth. So, the role of rocks is beneficial in two ways: they naturally filter water and remove contamination, and they also create a specific mineral composition that benefits human health.